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By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

What are the major symptoms Of Emphysema?

     Emphysema is one of common lung disease which mainly causes due to smoking. To the doctors, this disease is considered as one of the most dangerous disease. If any proper treatment is done at the beginning of this disease, then it can lead a patient towards death. The lungs are one of the most important organ of a human body which need to maintain a proper shape in order to do the functions in a well manner. The blood gets oxygenated by getting sufficient oxygen from the lungs. So it is an organ of great importance. When any person smokes too much then the tissues of the lungs get destroyed gradually and at the same time the lung loses its proper shape. When the lung starts changing its shape due to this Emphysema disease, a number of symptoms are seen at that moment. In this article, some major symptoms will be described for the purpose of helping the general people who have the habit of smoking.

     The main symptom of Emphysema disease is breathlessness. This is the first sign of getting affected by this lung disease. If proper treatment is not started at the very beginning of this disease, then the condition gets worse day by day. Because this lung disease is responsible for the gradual deterioration of tissues of the lung. And at the same time the lung loses its natural shape. At the beginning stage a person felt the breathlessness problem at the time of hard work or when he/she gets angry. Gradually, that person will feel this problem suddenly without any reason. Therefore, if any person founds this problem, he/she should not make any late to contact the doctor. Because if he/she left that unchecked, he is going to suffer very badly in the near future.

     Again long chest expansion is considered as another symptom of Emphysema. When a patient gets affected by this disease, he/she tries to take a long breathe every time as he is suffering from breathlessness problem. A person can easily notice that abnormal expansion of the chest and can also measure that with a measuring tape. Normally chest expansion is considered as 2 inches in a normal condition. If the expansion is more, then the person should contact with the doctor in a hurry to check up. Another symptom of Emphysema is the discoloration of the skin. The shade of the skin of a patient starts turning into blue color. Because the blood that is supplied to the skin contains oxygen of very less amount and for this reason this discoloration happens. Actually this symptom is not only found for this particular lung disease, but it is a symptom of all types of lung disease.

     The mentioned symptoms are the most important and common symptoms found in the patient affected with this Emphysema disease. If any person finds any of the following symptoms, he/she needs to get the proper suggestion of the doctors in order to get a quick relief from that disease.

Acute & Chronic Bronchitis : Causes and Symptoms

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

What are the main Causes and Symptoms Acute Bronchitis?

     Acute bronchitis is one of common respiratory diseases that can occur both in the children and the adults. As this is a respiratory disease, the child or the adult who suffered from this disease are unable to take the breath in a comfortable way. In the medical science this disease is termed as one of the diseases that causes the lung infection. There are a number of the bronchi in the lungs which is needed for the passage of air are blocked when a person is affected by this disease. For those blockages, sufficient oxygen could not enter into the lung. The severity of this acute bronchitis is not same for all the people, rather it varies from person to person. In this article the main causes for this disease with symptoms will be described.

     This acute bronchitis disease is mainly caused due to the viral infection. Not only the viruses, the bacteria, fungus, yeast are also responsible for this disease. But the environmental factors also have an important effect on this disease. If the environment is polluted with the chemical dusts or  fumes, then there is a great chance of affecting with this disease. For the adults, who smoke too much are in the main risk of getting affected with this disease. Because the smoke of tobacco is very much injurious to the lung. Sometimes it is found that the husband of a pregnant woman smokes in front of her wife. In that case, the child which will birth a few days later take the birth with the risk of this disease. The babies, which are born without competing the 9 months of pregnancy also have the risk of getting affected by this disease.

     There are a number of symptoms of acute bronchitis. Among all those symptoms, the most important symptoms will be described here. The person who is affected with this disease is found to have coughing problem and the cough that comes out contains a huge amount of mucus. So a patient coughing for two to three weeks should visit the doctor immediately to check the cough. Besides, there are other types of symptoms that are found in the children like tiredness, shortness of breathing, producing sound at the time of taking breathe etc. Besides many of the children are found to have chest pain and at the same time he/she can notrespire properly. In that case, the patient is suggested to check his/her cough for confirmation.

     At the end of this article it is quite clear about the causes and the symptoms of one of the most common respiratory disease i.e. acute bronchitis. If any person can detect the symptom, he/she should test his cough immediately with the help of concerned doctor. Because this disease is totally curable within a short time period if it is detected at the earliest stage. So it is an advice to general people not to be late in visiting doctors for any type of health problem.

What are the major symptoms of Chronic Bronchitis?

     Chronic bronchitis is one of most common respiratory disease and it is also considered as one of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. This disease can be cured easily if it is determined at the beginning stages. But the treatment process of this disease is quite a long term process. The people who suffer from this disease are found to be uncomfortable for a particular period of the year continues up to two to three months. For the test, doctors usually go for the X-ray of the chest as theconfirmatory test for this disease. There are a number of symptoms of chronic bronchitis, but in this article the four major symptoms will be described.

     The most common symptom of the chronic bronchitis is coughing. This coughing is not the ordinary coughing that a person experiences often. Rather at the time of coughing a person can feel the pains in the lung areas. At the time of coughing, mucus was seen to come out long with the cough. And when the condition gets worse, a huge amount of mucus is found with the cough. Sometimes an affected patient can sleep throughout the night due to this coughing problem. So any person facing this problem for 2 to 3 weeks on a continuous basis, should go for the check up.Trouble breathing is considered as another important symptom of chronic bronchitis. Because the bronchitis are linked with the soreness of the lung and for that reason the entrance of the airwaysis limited by those soreness. For this reason a person cannot take enough oxygen at the time of taking breaths. For the patients who are having this problem are suggested to use the inhaler and at the same time they need to visit a doctor for the check up.

     When a personis seriously affected with the chronic bronchitis disease, several types of lung infections occurred at the time. The cough which came out at the time of coughing contains too much mucus and for this reason the color of the cough becomes yellowish or greenish. The color of the cough confirms that there is some infection within the lung. People often go for antibiotics, but those cannot help a person to get rid that disease totally. Besides when a person affected by the chronic bronchitis disease, he/she is found to get affected with some heart problems too. Because due to the respiratory problems, the blood pressure within the veins increases. For this reason, the right part of the heart of the affected person is always staying in an over stressed condition. If the problem is more severe,then the patient is in a danger of heart failure.

     These are the four major symptoms of chronic bronchitis. If any personal experiences with any of the symptoms, he/she should go for the doctor’s advice soon. If the treatment starts at the beginning of this disease, then it is possible to cure that within a short time.

What is COPD prognosis?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

    The elaboration of “COPD” is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The term COPD prognosis is considered as the treatment on that situation which makes the normal life of a person difficult and at that time the intensity of the cough increases.

     When a person affected by this disease and reached in this critical situation, both the color and the density of cough changes. A regular prognosis or diagnosis can give some better results for the patient but those should be according to the prescription of the concerned doctor. In this article, the two main reasons for COPD will be described and after that a short focus on the COPD prognosis will be included.

     As mentioned earlier, there are two main reasons of this disease and to get rid of that disease COPD prognosis is necessary. The first reason is the blockage of the lung walls. During the initial stages of this disease, the passage of air becomes very tough through the lungs. At that time a man is considered to get affected by inhales and exhales. If any one faces those conditions, then he/she should take immediate suggestion from the doctors to get a wanted result within a few days. The major cause among the two causes is the air pollution. Though most of the people don’t take it seriously, but it is the reason which slowly affect a man towards this disease. From some statistical analysis, it is found that the person who smoke too much are mostly affected with this disease. And the other type of patients is found which works in a smoky condition where too much carbon mono oxide is present.

     Now a short focus  will be given on the COPD prognosis. If any patient found breathing problems due to the blockage of the lung walls, then he/she is suggested to use the inhaler. With the use of the inhaler, he/she will be able to continue artificial respiration as it acts very quickly on the blockage of the lung walls. This is an immediate solution for the patient who are at the primary stage of this disease. It is mentioned earlier that the polluted air is mainly responsible for this disease. If any person finds the color and the density of his/her cough has changed, he/she should immediately contact with the doctor. Because if a patient handles this problem carelessly, then it might be the reason of lung cancer at the later stage. That is the more early a patient will go to the doctor, the better chances he/she will have for the recovery.

     At the end of this article, it can be said that COPD is a serious disease and it should not be taken lightly. Proper medication for copd symptoms from the beginning of this disease can cure  a patient totally within a few days. So early detection of this disease can increase the life expectancy of the people and at the same time it will allow a person to lead a healthy life afterwards.

What are the factors and symptoms of COPD exacerbation?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

     The COPD exacerbation is termed as the clinical condition when the respirator system of a person gets worse.The elaboration of “COPD” is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and by COPD a number of problems are meant like the productive cough, chest tightness and the main problem is the shortness of the breath. When the mentioned problems are in the severe condition then that is termed as the COPD exacerbation. In this article all the factors and the major symptoms of this disease will be mentioned and in the last part some suggestion will be given to help the general people to protect themselves from the attack of this disease.

     There are several factors which are responsible for this COPD exacerbation. Among all these factors, the main reason is the viral or bacterial attack on the respiratory system and for that attack some types of respiratory infections in the respiratory system. The bacteria or the viral attack is caused mainly for the air pollution. One in three patients is found to get affected by this disease with the influence of air pollution. Besides some patients are found to have allergenic problems in some of the molecules and those molecules are present in the air in the area where he/she live in. That might another important reason for this disease. If any patient is prescribed with the wrong medicine in the earlier stage for the breathing problem, then that also causes severe infection in the later stage and turn that disease into COPD exacerbation.

     There are a number of COPD exacerbation symptoms and it is very much important for the general people having some knowledge of these symptoms. The shortness of breath with chest breathing or the noisy breathing sound in one of most important symptoms. Besides this symptom, the increase of anxiety level and rapid pulse in another mentionable symptom. Sputum is found with the cough of affected people and it can be identified by the variation of color and density of the cough. The affected people found difficulties at the time of sleeping. And a patient also finds some headache problem just after waking up from the bed in the morning. Besides the patient is found to talk much less as he/she normally did in the early stages. Side by side with all the mentioned symptoms, the patient also finds the swelling of his/her lower limbs. Thus he/she finds some abdominal pain with discomfort.

     The COPD exacerbation is one of the most common disease and a large number of people are affected with this.

     But this disease is not serious at all if all the necessary steps are taken in the earlier period of this disease. A person who leads his/her life in a healthier way like keeping himself/herself neat and clean everywhere has a less chance to get affected with this disease. And if this disease is detected in the early stages then some prescribed therapies like oxygen therapy, steroid therapy, antibiotics can cure this disease within a very short time.

What are the COPD treatment guidelines?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

     COPD is one of the serious disease which can lead a patient towards the lung cancer at the later stage if any patient doesn’t for the proper treatments. The full meaning of COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. So from the meaning it is clear that, this disease affects the respiratory system of any person. For this reason if any person found some symptoms of this disease within himself/herself, he/she should not make any late to go the doctors. Because it is the doctors who can give a patient proper COPD treatment guidelines. However, in this article some general COPD treatment guidelines will be shown to help the people.

     Among all the COPD treatment guidelines, the first one is to identify whether this disease is present within the body or not. There are several symptoms of this disease which will be found in the other related articles. If anyone is found to have some of the symptoms and at the same time he/she is struggling to enter enough air into the lungs, then he/she shouldn’t make any late in going to the doctor for the check up. At that time, doctors mat suggest you to go for a common X-ray test of the patient’s chest. The X-ray report is the confirmation of this disease. This disease is quite normal for those people who smoke for a long time. It’s not possible to cure this disease immediately after the confirmation, but this disease can be cured totally if proper steps are taken from that time.

     After the confirmation a proper COPD treatment guidelines are to be followed. Among those guidelines, some therapies are included which give a much better result in the recovery from this disease. Among thos therapies, oxygen therapy, steroid therapy etc. are mentionable. Besides a patient can be given antibiotics and Bronchodilators. With the oxygen therapy, the patient is treated with a high flow of oxygen in the lung. In the therapy the saturation of oxygen with the other elements of air should be more than 90%. Because at that saturation level a better outcome is found. The steroid therapy is another important therapy which is to be given to the patients inthe formofinhale. Steroids are considered as life savers in those conditions. Respiratory problems can be cured within one or two weeks with the application of steroid therapy. Antibiotics are also effective to control this disease as it is prescribed by the doctors to prevent the bacterial or viral attack. And the Bronchodilators helps a patient in the breathing mechanism.

     So these are the proper COPD treatment guidelines which are to be followed to get a quick relief from this disease. One of the important suggestions is that, if any person able to find some of the symptoms of this disease within himself/herself, he/she should not make any delay to contact with the doctor. Because if it is handled carelessly, then this disease can turn into a serious disease at the later stage. So to cure this disease, the treatment should be started early.

COPD Pathophysiology- things to know:

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

     COPD is the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and this is a highly progressive inflammatory disease that is connected to the lung parenchyma, airways and vasculature. The disease mainly damages and remodels the lung tissues and airways. Proper functioning of lung is hampered by the COPD. If this is left untreated for a long time then it results in various severe conditions such as heart failure or pulmonary hypertension. The actual pathophysiology of COPD is still undefined by the researchers.

     The inflammatory process of COPD is the driving aspect of its pathophysiology. A number of researches done by various researchers suggest that the inflammatory property of COPD results in various types of effects that include arrival of inflammatory cells like neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes etc. There are two main changes can be observed by the COPD and they are structural changes of lungs and thickened airways. Apart from that, smooth muscles and fibrosis can also be observed by COPD.

     The common reason for the development of COPD is smoking. Cigarette smoking mainly creates an inflammatory response to the lungs. This type of response does not stop at a position but it gradually grows for unlimited period of time. COPD can also be considered as an obstructive lung disease including the asthma, bronchitis, fibrosis etc. Destruction and degeneration of lung and other supporting tissues are two major characteristics of the COPD. This type of process can lead to the emphysema or sometime it can also cause chronic bronchitis. If the condition is severe then the patient can experience both of these diseases. Emphysema starts with very small obstruction in the airways and it can gradually progress and entirely block the airways present in the lungs.

     The COPD pathophysiology has not been understood totally by the researchers and doctors. Chronic inflammation of the linings in the cell plays a major role in the development of COPD. Smoking and some other inhaled irritants can also result in the narrowing of the airways in the lungs and it also results in hyperactivity. The airways in the lungs become narrow and the mucus production increases in COPD which leads to weakening the functions of cilia. Patients experience difficulties when clearing the secretions as the disease progress. Along with that, the patients develop a chronic productive cough, dyspnea and wheezing.

     The basic pathophysiology of COPD includes loss of elastic lining, increased resistance to the airflow and decreased expiratory flow. If the resistance to the airflow increases, the alveolar walls break quite frequently. In order to understand the COPD pathophysiology, it will be easier if you break the term into two parts. The first one is COPD and second one is pathophysiology. The meaning of pathophysiology is the changes that can be observed in the body during the disease.

    This term is not only limited to the COPD pathophysiology but it can be applied to other diseases as well. With the help of COPD pathophysiology, there are two things that can be determined. The first one is why the condition begins or what the main causes of the development of COPD are. If these two things can be understood then the people can be aware of it. The individuals can be educated with these things and the preventive measures can be easily taken. There might be sometimes when they cannot be avoided but by knowing more about the causes of COPD, the steps can be taken that can help in lessening the symptoms that might arise from COPD.

    The present medical science is focusing on the researches to find out the reasons and COPD pathophysiology but this should not be the only way to learn the conditions related to the COPD. One thing which is very important in medical science is keeping track of the progress of the patients and how they overcome the problems that are having. It might be positively or negatively but there is a need to observe the results thoroughly. It might be true that the effects of the treatment might not be same in all of the cases but they might vary a bit. Though, people can learn many things from it and they can stay away from those things that can cause the diseases like COPD.

     There are a number of researches going on to find out the main reasons of the COPD because this is one of the top five causes of death today. There are a number of researchers who are trying to find out more details on COPD and they are trying to find out the percentage of COPD sufferers among the total population.

     The researchers and physicians have been able to know varieties of things through the COPD pathophysiology. It includes the symptoms of COPD, the tests that are needed to be conducted in order to diagnose the COPD. It also includes levels of severity, possible treatments and prognosis. There are a number of treatment options available today for COPD and most of them seem to be effective. They can eventually decrease the development of COPD but there is no set treatment available that can treat COPD totally. A number of researches are going on to find out the more efficient treatment options for the COPD. In order to get rid of the problems of COPD the first thing which is needed to be done first is taking the preventive measures which can eliminate the formation of COPD.

    Two most important things often prescribed by the doctors are eating healthy and exercising daily. These two things help in reducing the negative health issues that are concerned with COPD. The COPD pathophysiology also says that not smoking is the most important thing for the patients with COPD. Other things which should be done to be treated from the COPD are minimizing the low quality air, getting a yearly flu etc and the most importantly, getting consults from a doctor.

    There are a number of websites available where you can find the COPD pathophysiology but it is important to go to a doctor as soon as you experience it.