COPD symptoms: It Will Help You Know The Problems

By JodonP วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

When the COPD has been diagnosed, it is quite important to recognize the signs and symptoms of the COPD for the treatment of it. This is one of the most important steps to manage the illness. It is quite helpful to know the illness for managing it efficiently. The treatments can be undertaken effectively by knowing when the symptoms are changing. Early treatment is the recommended by most of the doctors because it preserves the lung function in a long term. Timely treatment of the symptoms can help to undertake the treatment properly.

     Doctors define the progress of COPD in a few stages. The first stage is at risk. In this stage you do not have the disease but there are some possibilities of formation of it. In this stage, some mild symptoms might e experienced by the patients such as chronic cough and sputum production. The second stage is mild stage. In this stage, tests have shown that there might be some kind of interruption in the airflow with some kind of symptoms like chronic cough and sputum. But, the patient is less likely to notice the breathing difficulties. The third stage is moderate COPD. In moderate level, COPD symptoms are mounting airflow blockage and the worsening symptoms. The patients may sometime feel that something is wrong and that is the reason why you are suffering from the short of breath. The short of breath is also experienced even after mild exercise. This is the common scenario when people start visiting the physicians. In severe level of COPD, the COPD symptoms include considerable amount of trouble in breathing and it might be experienced even after minor exertion. There might be some kind of serious complications arise in this stage such as signs of heart trouble or some signs of respiratory failure. Symptoms might become disabling and the chance of survival becomes very low.

     So, the common COPD symptoms includes difficulties in breathing, frequent coughing, wheezing, fatigue, lung infections, cyanosis etc. Most of the people suffering from COPD has a combination of two different types of disorders and they are pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis. There might be some other long term lung conditions that are also experienced by the patients suffering from COPD such as chronic asthma or the patients might also suffer from chronic bronchiolitis.

     Smoking is the main cause of COPD. The more often an individual smoke, the more the person is likely to develop COPD symptoms. There are some other risk-factors too that often develop COPD such as exposure to the some gases and fumes, exposure to the amounts of certain gases. Exposure to second hand smoke can also lead to the development of COPD. Observation and diagnosis of COPD is very important at the very early stages. If it is diagnosed lately then there might be some problems faced in terms of treatment. At final stage, the patients might need to undergo the complex surgery of lungs transplantation which is quite expensive matter.

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