What are the factors and symptoms of COPD exacerbation?

By JodonP วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

     The COPD exacerbation is termed as the clinical condition when the respirator system of a person gets worse.The elaboration of “COPD” is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and by COPD a number of problems are meant like the productive cough, chest tightness and the main problem is the shortness of the breath. When the mentioned problems are in the severe condition then that is termed as the COPD exacerbation. In this article all the factors and the major symptoms of this disease will be mentioned and in the last part some suggestion will be given to help the general people to protect themselves from the attack of this disease.

     There are several factors which are responsible for this COPD exacerbation. Among all these factors, the main reason is the viral or bacterial attack on the respiratory system and for that attack some types of respiratory infections in the respiratory system. The bacteria or the viral attack is caused mainly for the air pollution. One in three patients is found to get affected by this disease with the influence of air pollution. Besides some patients are found to have allergenic problems in some of the molecules and those molecules are present in the air in the area where he/she live in. That might another important reason for this disease. If any patient is prescribed with the wrong medicine in the earlier stage for the breathing problem, then that also causes severe infection in the later stage and turn that disease into COPD exacerbation.

     There are a number of COPD exacerbation symptoms and it is very much important for the general people having some knowledge of these symptoms. The shortness of breath with chest breathing or the noisy breathing sound in one of most important symptoms. Besides this symptom, the increase of anxiety level and rapid pulse in another mentionable symptom. Sputum is found with the cough of affected people and it can be identified by the variation of color and density of the cough. The affected people found difficulties at the time of sleeping. And a patient also finds some headache problem just after waking up from the bed in the morning. Besides the patient is found to talk much less as he/she normally did in the early stages. Side by side with all the mentioned symptoms, the patient also finds the swelling of his/her lower limbs. Thus he/she finds some abdominal pain with discomfort.

     The COPD exacerbation is one of the most common disease and a large number of people are affected with this.

     But this disease is not serious at all if all the necessary steps are taken in the earlier period of this disease. A person who leads his/her life in a healthier way like keeping himself/herself neat and clean everywhere has a less chance to get affected with this disease. And if this disease is detected in the early stages then some prescribed therapies like oxygen therapy, steroid therapy, antibiotics can cure this disease within a very short time.